US 1-855-864-1607

Our crisis management experts prevent and regain control of your crisis with the media, customers and stakeholders.

When your reputation is under attack, everything you value is at risk.

Our team of journalists turn your negative coverage around on top tier media

There are many risk factors that can put you, your business, or your client in jeopardy. A single negative communication incident can cause individuals, business owners and leaders inside brands to feel helpless and in a state-of-shock.

Our crisis management experts prevent and regain control of situations that may threaten and damage you, your business, or your client’s reputation. When facing a communication threat, you must move both fast and strategically.

Unfortunately, most crises are made far worse by the wrong choices.

Our team of crisis management experts are entrusted to manage the crises and protect the reputation of some of the most well respected brands and leading figures in the world. Using our exclusive RISC™ methodology, we plan strategically to prevent a crisis you may confront or create a strategic plan to effectively resolves your current crisis that innoculates your brand’s reputation and future.

Protect Your Reputation Now

Get A Crisis Management Analysis

Prevent a Crisis. Resolve a Crisis. Fast.


Negative Media Coverage


Legal Issues

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Threats To


Negative News To Deliver


Threats To


Negative Online

We Restore & Protect Your Reputation From Every Angle


Crisis Management

Eliminate Public Facing Threats

Reputation Management Consultants is Internationally known for our results in stormy and hyper-sensitive, high-stake scenarios. Our crisis management services range from external third party threats to the organization, the hacking of data, corporate governance, litigation support, recalls of products, business restructurings, Chapter 11 and more.


Reputation Management

Build, Grow Brand Trust with the Public, Customers, & Key Stakeholders

Reputation management is not just our name. It’s in our DNA. We protect organizations and individuals under assault to stabilize their reputation and then restore it to a higher level than before the crisis. We enhance trust of organizations and individuals through transparent communication strategies with key members of the media, stakeholders, and customers.


Litigation Support

Manage Pre-Trial and Trial Publicity

We are strategic counsel to NYSE/ NASDAQ firms & fast-growing startups, executives & private & public figures in business, entertainment, sports & politics involved in litigation, criminal & civil complaints, labor disagreements, defamatory situations, wrongful termination actions, & other delicate situations creating crisis level publicity.


Corporate Communications

Position Your Brand As the Most Trusted Market Leader with all Stakeholders

Our experienced team of corporate communication experts positions your brand as the trusted industry leader. We capture profile pieces in mainstream and industry media to ensure your brand is seen as the top expert in the most read stories each week.


Transactional Communications

Protect and Define Your Brand During High-Stakes Transactions.

We assist firms dealing with large-scale transactions to both protect their brand reputations and ensure they define themselves during a high impact transaction.


Financial Communications

Protect Investor Trust and Build Brand Equity with Investors and Analysts.

We protect and ensure your brand strategically manages difficult times in your firm’s history and work to ensure the press views your brand in the proper way.


Crisis Management

Eliminate Public Facing Threats

Reputation Management Consultants is Internationally known for our results in stormy and hyper-sensitive, high-stake scenarios. Our crisis management services range from external third party threats to the organization, the hacking of data, corporate governance, litigation support, recalls of products, business restructurings, Chapter 11 and more.


Reputation Management

Build, Grow Brand Trust with the Public, Customers, & Key Stakeholders

Reputation management is not just our name. It’s in our DNA. We protect organizations and individuals under assault to stabilize their reputation and then restore it to a higher level than before the crisis. We enhance trust of organizations and individuals through transparent communication strategies with key members of the media, stakeholders, and customers.


Litigation Support

Manage Pre-Trial and Trial Publicity

We are strategic counsel to NYSE/ NASDAQ firms & fast-growing startups, executives & private & public figures in business, entertainment, sports & politics involved in litigation, criminal & civil complaints, labor disagreements, defamatory situations, wrongful termination actions, & other delicate situations creating crisis level publicity.


Corporate Communications

Position Your Brand As the Most Trusted Market Leader with all Stakeholders

Our experienced team of corporate communication experts positions your brand as the trusted industry leader. We capture profile pieces in mainstream and industry media to ensure your brand is seen as the top expert in the most read stories each week.


Transactional Communications

Protect and Define Your Brand During High-Stakes Transactions.

We assist firms dealing with large-scale transactions to both protect their brand reputations and ensure they define themselves during a high impact transaction.


Financial Communications

Protect Investor Trust and Build Brand Equity with Investors and Analysts.

We protect and ensure your brand strategically manages difficult times in your firm’s history and work to ensure the press views your brand in the proper way.

What the media is saying about our Crisis Management expertise

Our crisis management expertise is showcased in breaking news and feature articles on global media outlets.

Our Team of Advisors Have 75 Years of Combined Experience In Crisis Management

We’ve represented some of the largest brands in the world. Our clients include NYSE/NASDAQ public companies, fast growing startups, executives and private individuals, and leading figures in business, entertainment, sports, and politics.

Our team consists of crisis management experts who were journalists and editors from reputable media outlets such as Fortune, CNN, The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Fox Business, Crain’s, etc. Our tight relationships are extremely valued with journalists and editors at the most important publications.

Case Study Monthly ROI of 275% from national media placements

Situation: Fintech platform came to RMC to capitalize on opportunities they were missing because of lack of credible awareness and market leadership. They enlisted RMC to increase brand awareness and position them as the leader in fintech with clients and build trust with investors.

Strategy: In under 7 weeks, RMC drive multiple dialogues with top tier influential national media that included Fortune, Tech Crunch and many others. Our experts defined our client as a top thought leader in a crowded space and a must to leverage as an expert resource to provide journalists deep analysis on timely topics tied fintech and the current financial landscape. This led to many business profiles and rapid response placements and continues today with monthly opportunities being generated for the client.

Result: RMC delivered earned media placements in key media outlets like Fortune, USA TODAY, Tech Crunch, and many more that drove over 3 billion media impressions todate for our client. RMC’s efforts contributed to define the brand as a trusted resource with the media and investors. The company has achieved an average monthly ROI of 275%.

Case Study
Over $1.5 million in new business

Situation: Market leader required a high attention launch of a new product line and ongoing thought leadership positioning for itself and its CEO to increase top of funnel leads and greater conversion.

Strategy: Aggressive launch and op-ed and feature pitches that were a mix of rapid response and thought leadership that showed our client as the authority backed with consistent proof points sent to the media.

Result: Massive media was secured during the launch and over 113 different media outlets covered. The aggressive thought leadership campaign resulting in over 175 million impressions in six months in outlets including The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, MSNBC, and over three dozens earned media placements in industry and trade publications. The campaign experience an ROI over 535% over its lifetime to date.

Case Study 1 Headline goes here

Situation: Market leader required a high attention launch of a new product line and ongoing thought leadership positioning for itself and its CEO to increase top of funnel leads and greater conversion.

Strategy: Aggressive launch and op-ed and feature pitches that were a mix of rapid response and thought leadership that showed our client as the authority backed with consistent proof points sent to the media.

Result: Massive media was secured during the launch and over 113 different media outlets covered. The aggressive thought leadership campaign resulting in over 175 million impressions in six months in outlets including The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, MSNBC, and over three dozens earned media placements in industry and trade publications. The campaign experience an ROI over 535% over its lifetime to date.

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Case Study 2 Headline goes here

Case Study 3 Headline goes here

We’ve Protected and Restored the Reputation Of The World’s Top-Brands and Individuals

Read what a few satisfied customers are saying…

“The difference you guys have made on our consumer review sites is night and day. We were in serious danger of shutting our doors as a result of these negative reviews, but turning to you at that time was clearly the right move.”

– Simon C.,

Director of Marketing

“Thank you for taking the time to explain your processes and to answer all of my questions and concerns in a thoughtful manner. We are extremely satisfied with your services and have no intention of leaving any time soon.”

– Jennifer L.,

Chief Marketing Officer

“You’ve done a tremendous job with my firm’s online reputation. We’re receiving calls that are specifically mentioning the assets you created on our behalf. I wanted to let you know that I wouldn’t hesitate for a minute to refer you to anyone in need of your services.”

– Robert B.,


“Signing on with RMC has been a wise investment, indeed. From when we first signed on 18 months ago, our sales have nearly doubled. You’ve made sure the positives about our company are not buried on page 3.”

– Fred S.,

President and CEO

“The difference your team has made on my inbound traffic after controlling the old two negatives links on my reputation cannot be overstated. Thank you VERY much!”

– Gloria G.,

Small Business Owner

“I wanted to let your team know how much I’ve appreciated their diligence and hard work on my reputation management campaign. I plan on continuing on for an additional year.”

– Dr. Clifford C.,


“Everything was great and turned out how I wanted it to.”

– Analyst,

Financial Firm

“They achieved our desired results when two other firms could not deliver.”

– Partner,

Financial Services Company

Without the right relationships in media you’re dead in the water.

Many of our staff’s past experience in the media renders us rare relationships with leading editors, journalists and TV producers at the most important media outlets in the world.

Disclaimer: These results may or may not be typical and your results may vary depending on your website and your industry.
Protect Your Reputation Now

Get a complimentary public relations analysis.

RMC is an Exclusive Group

We build brand, personal reputations and visibility powered by PR better than anyone in the industry. This is our business, and we’ll back it up.